Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Painful Situations

In most movies and shows even, they depict these scenarios where the family comes together and helps each other through the toughest of situations.  Sometimes the family is causing the issues and realizes their wrong doings and acknowledges then it’s a happy ending.  Is this real life though?

I have witnessed and even been involved in issues that were brought upon because someone was looking for something to be wrong.  Well truth is if you go looking for something more times than not you are going to find it right?  I’m not sure why or what goes on in the thoughts of individuals just looking for something to complain about when things are in a tranquil state.

I know that they may be having a bad day or have received bad news, however why spread that feeling around?  For me, if I’m not in a great mood because of a situation I have had I let my loved ones know where I am at that moment.  This way they are aware of how I’m feeling and what got me there and don’t have that, “what just happened?” “what did I say or do?” feeling.  I also apologize if anything I said or did caused them to feel less than at the moment.

In my opinion, to feel the need to bring others down when they are at peace is a terrible way to live.  I love my family so much that at times I wonder is it all worth it?  Do I not deserve to be happy, down, tired, lazy, excited, blessed?   Different days bring on different situations and how I handle them differs as well according to where I am in my mind space.  No matter the situation it’s me (or you) that has the right to do as I (or you) see fit for you and your family.  As adults we don’t need permission for how we do things it’s just how we do them.

In times like these is when I turn to God for guidance and actually put my family and the relationships with them in his Almighty hands.  I have tried to handle it and messed up, it is obviously greater than me.  This didn’t make the situation go away but it did help me see things in a different light, Gods light.  It helped me to feel like I wasn’t alone in this and that I will rise up and continue on my journey being the daughter He created and that Jesus died for.

***Mommas and Daddys it is our role to protect our little ones from times like these by having a plan of action.  Know who takes the children out of the situation and to a safe place to talk about their feelings, judgement free.  Don’t ever let your adult issues become theirs.

Romans‬ ‭15:13‬‬‬ “I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Monday, October 7, 2019

Bath and Body Works Today Only Freebies!

Good morning everyone!  This morning as I opened my email offers I was so excited to see this one from my favorite place Bath & Body Works!  Today 10-7-19 Only you can get these amazing freebies with you use promo code GINGHAMLOVE at checkout with any purchase you make 😯.  Yes everyone this is the time to start shopping for you and stocking stuffers for free awesome🥰.  No they don’t pay me to say this I just want everyone to enjoy the gifts of free when they come along.  

Now off to start my day with one son who is recovering from strep and back at school after 3 days of antibiotics in the system, and now taking his little brother In because they shared a Halloween mask and now he is complaining of his throat so here we go.  I sanitized everything in the house but that pesky mask ugh😠.  Oh well we know the drill and have a plan in place.  Always thankful to our Lord for giving us another day together even with strep throat, we are all doing great!  Have a fabulous day everyone and God Bless.  This momma in charge has to make an appointment for her baby. 

Make sure to click on follow on the desktop version of the blog.  This way you will know when new blogs are out🥰.  Tomorrow I will show you how we as a family celebrate the birth/going home to God day of my first son Jason Samuel.❤️

I am not affiliated nor do I work for Bath & Bish Works I just love their products and like to share my findings

Job‬ ‭17:3‬  God, give me some support. No one else will!”

Friday, October 4, 2019

Sparkling wine and groceries? Yes please!

Today has been productive and exciting.  I even worked for an hour this morning then meet my daughter for lunch.  No room for complaining. Then I remember I have to go grocery shopping for the week before the kids get out of school.

It’s a nice time for me to really look at things and price things.  I enjoy just leisurely walking around. Then it someone ask, “Would you like to sample our Halloween Sparkling Moscato?”  Errrr(screeching tire sound)!  “Excuse me did you just ask me if I would like some Moscato? Oh my Yes!”  Ladies and gents, this is the only way to make a good shopping experience even better🍾.  Oh I’m telling you,  I enjoyed the hectic parking lot and long lines at the register with my little sample of Moscato.

What kind of wine would bring you to a crowded grocery store?  Lol. It’s definitely a game changer and this Momma In Charge not only for what she needed, she got what she needed!  You have a fabulous weekend.  Enjoy the loves of your life and God bless!

Luke‬ ‭9:24‬ “Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me will save it.”

Bath & Body Works 10/4 Only

Ok mommas I am not even thinking about anything else but this amazing way to get 10 of my favorite hand soaps from Bath and Body Works for $23!  Today 10/4 is the day to stock up!

Here’s how it works:

Buy 10 hand soaps on sale $3 each
Then use promo code SOTOASTY
You save $10 off $30

Bam!  $23 (estimate with tax) that is an amazing stock up price!  Let’s go mommas, offer is only for Today.

This offer was found by Momma In Charge Facebook member Yazmin Ruiz, thank you Yazmin!

I am not affiliated nor do I work for Bath and Body Works I just love their products and like to share a great deal when it comes around!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The flying biscuit

Today was much like the others with morning shenanigans of teasing and sleepy heads being grumpy.    So I decided to let them “figure it out”while I got breakfast ready and clothes for my kindergartener that refused to get ready.  My daughter of course helped get lunches and drinks packed and we both headed to the car to pack it up for departure.

Wailing begins as they believe we are leaving them, I haven’t said one word this entire morning mind you.  My 2nd grader says he brushed his teeth and I can see he is dressed, 2 done one stinky mouthed, pajama wearing no sock kindergartener to go.   We start heading for the door he screams we keep walking he follows.  I lock the door put them in the car he’s upset because he isn’t ready, then he sees I have put his stuff in the car & all is forgiven.  Yes I didn’t win the battle of the tooth brushing but hey we were all out of the house semi on time.

They are handed their breakfast biscuits and begin eating.  Then fighting and I tell them they need to put their differences aside and and we begin praying.  After our prayer the heckling begins and “Mom” and I say “Be nice to each other”.  When all of a sudden a biscuit comes flying to the front seat crumbs everywhere, not to mention the scrambled egg 🥚.  It’s in crevices, on me,  all over the middle glove box and the floor mats. I said “Not Today Devil!”  The boys got quiet.   I continued “You will not win and you can not have my family!  Be gone you are not welcome here!”  

😯 This was the look on my children’s face.  Silence no more bickering.  Then we arrive at school on time praise the Lord and my sons say “See you later mom love you!”  Just like that it was over.  I got home and vacuumed up the mess wiped down the fingerprints and washed out cup holders and mats.  I felt empowered by God.  The battle was being won by the evil one but when the war broke out God took over and now I cleaned this vehicle in the name of Jesus Christ.

No matter what the circumstances we can claim the day for God.  I could have lost my cool and fallen into the dark side but I am a work in progress and so far we are doing good.  Evil you are not in charge,  this Momma In Charge is powered by God Almighty and you will never win over.  Have a blessed evening everyone!

Proverbs‬ ‭11:20‬ “The Lord hates those who love to do evil, but he is pleased with those who try to do right.”

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

First day in October, Did I just hear the F word?!

Today has been a pretty eventful one.  It started out hectic as most of my mornings are and again, I had a 2nd grader who did not finish his homework.  He was a very sleepy 2nd grader as he fought his sleep last night.  He was cranky and could not be comforted so I just let him be and continued on with my day.

Then his little brother doesn’t want to brush his teeth, starts screaming like that helps in any way shape or form.  I was at my wits end.  My teenager all the while was helping me get lunches and breakfast ready for the car ride to school.  She is such a blessing❤️.  They all are just right now I’m only feeling the one.

We finally leave the house late and start on our way.  My 2nd grader is doing his homework and crying and saying terrible things to make his little brother cry when all of a sudden I hear it the F word.  And it was used correctly, “I’m so Fing tired”. 😯.  I lost it my dear friends and said he was not at liberty to use a word he didn’t know the meaning of and that word especially!  It took every part of my being to refrain from screaming at the top of my lungs.

I then remembered we did it again.  We had already been on the road and hadn’t said one word to God.  Evil had stuck it’s tail into our lives and made it so we would forget.  I apologized and my son looked at me confused.  He said, “Why are you apologizing?”  I responded, “Because I let evil win”.  He got sad too.

I started praying right then and there asking for forgiveness for allowing this terrible issue take over our words to God.  I know he forgave us and so I forgave my son and reminded him that it’s not something we need to be saying.  He understood and we rushed off the car in a hurry to get them into the building before the tardy bell.

What I hadn’t noticed was our entire car ride all lights were green, every single one.  So we got them all to school on time thanks to God whom I had forgotten however He hadn’t forgotten us.  Tomorrow will be another day to try and get it right.  I pray for peace in my life and the life of my family, love, joy and grace.  This Momma had to get it back in order.

Through the hardest times we must always remember to begin and end our days with Him and keep Him in the center of our lives.  No matter what we are doing bring God in and do things for Him from taking a test to working.  If you are doing it for God you will be sure to do the best you can.

How do you handle words like that? Please share in the comments and feel free to follow my blog for up to date adventures.  If your on mobile scroll down to Desktop view and then click follow🥰

Ephesians‬ ‭5:4‬ ‭ “Also, there must be no evil talk among you. Don’t say things that are foolish or filthy. These are not for you. But you should be giving thanks to God.”

Monday, September 30, 2019

Are you needing Prayer?

What a wonderful weekend we had.  Besides the fighting children not sharing toys, the hustle of getting the house clean and pulling out Halloween decorations we had a great outcome.  I record a call from one of my little sisters and sparked something pretty amazing.

Right now my siblings and I have come into a better understanding of our faith.  We have grown with so many trials and tribulations we have encountered.  Instead of turning away from God we grew stronger in our faith and trust in Him.

In this journey we decided to start sharing our growth with others and helping to reach as many people through prayer and support in on our new Facebook Page Prayers Needed.   We saw a need for for us to reach out as we saw so many request amongst our own circle of friends and family.

Overnight we started sharing this page with our circle and we have had great response!  All prayer warriors have started praying to help with any situations that arise and it is a great environment to come and let yourself accept the Lord in all His glory.  We want to pray with and for as many people as we can as we are all here for one purpose, to bring people to God.

Join us in our journey, Click here and be directed to our Facebook Page Prayers Needed!  Prayers are Free and God is all powerful.  All prayers are answered as God sees fit for each individual person.  The answer my not look like what you imagined, just trust He answered it in a way that was best for you❤️.  Have a blessed day everyone!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Grocery delivery is a Blessing

After a week of long hours working & being mom, the last thing I want to think about is going to the grocery.  I need lunch items, dinner items, snack items the list goes on and on.  This is when I am grateful for grocery delivery.  If you haven’t tried it, you need to especially when it’s Free delivery for next day orders (I’m in San Antonio and one of the largest chains here offers that right now 😊).

It was very simple too.  I used their app and selected what I wanted (even deli meat sliced how I like it), selected the time frame I wanted it delivered, paid for my order (it did have a 2% Charge in the items but it was just a few extra cents so worth it).  I had to work in the morning, I got a notification that my delivery was on its way, once I got out of work I heard a knock on the door and there it was!

For me this was totally worth the little added charge and yes you do pay a tip automatically but the $10 fee was waived.  I only paid about $6 more than if I was the one who shopped for myself.  All in all the best decision I could have made.  All I have to do is put them away.

 I didn’t have to circle the parking lot for a space, fight to get through crowded aisles and registers,  struggle to keep my children close and safe and load into my vehicle then unload and put away.  I literally eliminated stress and like 4 steps.  Therefore I will consider grocery delivery a blessing 🥰

This momma took Charge of grocery shopping, you can too!  Have a blessed day everyone!

Deuteronomy‬ ‭28:2‬  “If you will obey the Lord your God, all these blessings will come to you and be yours:”

Friday, September 27, 2019

What October means to me❤️

The month of October is one that I hold dear to my heart.  About 9 years ago I asked God if I would ever be blessed again.  He answered me, however the blessing was bitter sweet.  I had my one and only daughter and for 8 years I had not been blessed again.

When I was very young my grandfather would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  My response was always “A mommy”.  And in my mind I always wanted 3-4 children to love and teach and be there for.   As I got older I wanted to be a pediatrician or a teacher, both choices involved working with children.

When God answered me I was a mixture of excited and scared to do it all over again after 8 almost 9 years.  I felt my baby growing and moving.  Then at my 4 1/2 month check up my doctor couldn’t find the heartbeat.  She said baby was probably too small so she sent me for a sonogram.  I went expecting to see & hear baby’s heart beating away, and it wasn’t there.  My heart sank and I began to pray.  I was grateful to God for answering me either way, it hurt but I knew my little angel had served his purpose and God needed him back.

I know in times like these we don’t understand why, but a huge blessing came afterward.  My grandmother came to live with us and we enjoyed time with her and made memories to last a lifetime.     God knew what was coming and I was helping care for my grandma, which I would not have been able to do otherwise.  My greatest joy was knowing my answer was YES you will have more children.

Just about 5 months later I found out I was blessed again and  one year after that I was blessed again. I now have 2 handsome, vibrant, fun loving boys who think outside the box, get in trouble and love like non other.  I thank God everyday for my blessings,  and I know one day we will all be reunited with God.

My children celebrate their brother’s birthday every October 8.  My daughter named him Jason.  My sons believe he is Jason from the horror movies and it’s all in good spirit.  I love my little family and am grateful to all who love them too.  I have been blessed beyond my dreams with a brother and sisters who love and care for me and my family as much I do theirs.  We have grown and concurred so much together and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us yet.

Stay strong in your faith mommas.  Stand tall and walk proud, don’t worry about the world around you and stay focused on God.  God Bless and have a great weekend!

‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:5 “We pray that the Lord will cause you to feel God’s love and remember Christ’s patient endurance.”

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Family unity

This morning was just like most hustle and bustle to get out the door.  The boys had their breakfast sandwiches and my daughter had her protein cafe latte (thank you outdoor_fitlife) and we were out the door.  We are buckled in when all of a sudden my little one remembers he didn’t finish his homework 😮.

So we quickly adjust,  he sits in the middle, big brother hands him a pencil and big sister waits for him to get ready for instruction.  Of course they start having disagreements about the pencil.  I broke down and reminded them we just prayed for the day and this can not be how they want to treat each other before parting ways.  They calmed down enough and started working together as a team.

Granted this should have been finished yesterday however he fell asleep in the car for the night on our way home.  My daughter had to stay after school until 5 p.m. so I took the boys to play at the park while that happened.  They were exhausted and started homework on the ride home but fell asleep, hence the frantic morning. (I admit my fault)

I’m glad that they listen and take it in.  Some days are harder than others but what was so heart melting was when we got to drop off and they all cheered.  They felt accomplished TOGETHER.  They gave each other blessings and well wishes for the day and it left a positive feeling for the rest of the day.

I don’t condone leaving homework for the next morning, however if they are exhausted I would rather them rest.  There is a difference from just a little sleepy and out for the night and let me tell you there was no waking him up.  This Momma took Charge and made a decision that almost backfired lol, but that’s ok it all worked out in the end.

What would you do?  Would you risk waking him?  Let me know 🥰

Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:9‬   “Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done.”

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Proud momma moment

Today my son says mom I did really good in Math class!  I was so happy for him and extremely proud.  Then he shows me his note from his teacher in his journal and it made that moment even sweeter.  Moments like these make everything else seem so trivial.

Now they are doing their homework while we venture home.  My son says, “can you help me with, oh never mind I got it”.  😢 I love how they are becoming more independent and hating it at the same time.  They are only 5&7 and I already feel the pull.  Tonight during bath time I will make it a little longer snd hug them a little tighter at bed time while we say prayers together.

All I can think is thank you God for these blessings that come with many trials.  I am learning and growing.  I’m a work in progress.  Have a blessed evening Mommas In Charge!

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭12:6 “And there are different ways that God works in people, but it is the same God who works in all of us to do everything.”
‬ ‭

What kind of Holiday Shopper are you?

I just shared a post in my Facebook group Momma In Charge that freaked me out, Christmas is literally 3 months away from today 😮!  When do you start shopping?  Lots of people start right away, some in the summer and some like to rush out 3 days til 😂.

I am one that starts with Christmas in July shopping.  I do love deals but do not enjoy crowds during Black Friday and other times like that.  I prefer online ordering any way so it works out best for me.  With all the cash back I get in Ibotta,  it helps pay for them so I love online deals.  Why ibotta?  Because if you are new you get $20 cash back just for redeeming your first offer!  But you have to use a code from someone to get it so here is mine ogh9kw and we both benefit!

So far I have more than half of my list done and this way I get to enjoy what is most important family time🥰. When we all can just sit and talk.  Laughing is the best when remembering traditions we now do with our kids.  However every year we end up running out for last minute this and that all the time.

The holidays bring with it so much like dressing the tree after Thanksgiving lunch.  Looking at the ads for Black Friday specials and mapping out a plan in case we want to venture out (we never do). And having dessert while the kids run and play with new things we have just for this day to keep them entertained while we relax.  I can’t wait!

What are some of your holiday memories and traditions?  What kind of shopper are you?  This Momma is in Charge and getting things ready to enjoy the blessing I will have this year of time🥰.
Have a Blessed day everyone🙏.

Luke 2:8 “That night, some shepherds were out in the fields near Bethlehem watching their sheep.”

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Facebook hmmm

Today Facebook has been messing around with me.  I have been blogging for a few days since making a decision to no longer be a partner and becoming my own entity.  Now I got notifications that my post were reported as spam and now they are all under review.   Who knows if my blog will be allowed on social media?  I’m not worried.  I’m still going to share my “tea” with everyone.  

Not gonna lie I did get upset and let my mind run wild then after half the day decided, well if they are threatened so much by me so be it.  If its meant for me to be on Facebook then I will be, if not then I will be 😂.  I just do other things to help push my .com that I am proud I am creating and no one here on Gods green earth will stop me.  Ok rant over.

***Facebook had a really interesting feature I was not aware of and so I utilized it and I will keep you posted on what I find out.

Through it all I’m so happy to see more positive outlooks on my page now.  I’m seeing motivational post and people out there who are loving life.  This is the Facebook I know and love.  Thank you for the opportunities and the fun times.  Now it’s time for this Momma to be In Charge of what she puts out into the world.  

So when things like social media have a negative effect on you, just remember you have the option to remove the app.  You can get out of there and look around you at the life you have in front of you.  If you have missed it because of social media, start rebuilding it.  It’s not too late to regain yourself.  

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc they are a great way to reconnect with those who are far away.  They help keep families and friends close and in the know.  Don’t forget to also look up and keep relationships that are right in front of you strong.  God keep you safe and humble always.  Have an amazing night.  

James 1:5  “Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to everyone. So he will give you wisdom.”

Liar liar

Yesterday my oldest son did something he should not have.  When I asked him about it he lied about even being involved.  I only have 2 sons in that room, one is crying and the other is telling me it wasn’t him.   Could it be Drop Dead Fred?  (It’s a movie in case you’ve never heard of it 😂).

What would you do with that situation?  It upsets me that he would think it was ok to make his little brother cry, what was more upsetting is that he lied about it.  So as I have him sitting before me I am asking God for the right words to help him understand.

First I ask him to tell me what part he played in his brothers discomfort.  He explained the scenario which tells me why he did what he did, then he says what his role was.  Right then and there I ask, “Why did you lie to me about it?”   He says he didn’t want to get in trouble.   What did he think he was in at this moment? 🤔

So I take a deep breath and I explained to him that what he did was wrong and he made it even worst by lying to me about it.  He was already in trouble for his action but now he got a grounding for lying about it.  The reason I explained was that he needed time to think about what he did and see what he could have done instead and a few days without his favorite toy would give him the time he needs to get back to me with his suggestions.

Now he screamed and cried it wasn’t calm at all but I kept cool and just explained to him that in life we all have a time when we have to step away and reflect on what we need to change.  He wasn’t receptive but I know he will learn and grow from it.

This morning he was sweet to his brother and his normal happy self.  It’s going to be a tough one after school when he’s tired and done with his homework wanting to play with his toy while he waits for dinner.  However this will be the test that gains it back.  What do you think about this way?  Any suggestions?  Have a blessed one from one Momma trying to be In Charge to another❤️

1 John 1:8-9 “If we say that we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God will forgive us. We can trust God to do this. He always does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrong things we have done.”

Monday, September 23, 2019

It’s time to take Nutrition by the horns!

A few months ago my sister and brother-in-law approached me and said “We love you so much”.  I already thought I knew that 😂.  However what they said next was a wake up moment.  They told me how they had decided to take a leap into being healthier especially now that they were new parents.  Then they said they see how much I mean to my family being a mom and to them as their sister and favorite aunt to their son. (I added that for my middle sister 😂).

All this was true as I have dedicated my life to my entire family since I was made to be a big sister at the age of 4.  They showed me what they planned to venture into and said, “come with us”.   I was a mess from crying 😢.  They were serious and explained the benefits they were seeing for themselves and wanted me to get control before I started needing medications just to survive.

I was so overwhelmed and saw the look of concern in their faces.  I told them I would think about it and appreciated how much they loved me.  After a couple of months I saw how well they were doing and making that change helped them to even help with their family dynamic.  I followed them on instagram outdoor_fitlife to see all the adventures they had the energy to do with their new little one.  I wanted that!  To feel like I could do more with my own little ones and take adventures with them.

I called my sister and said, “I’m in what’s my first step!”  She was so excited and walked me through what the best program would be for me to start with, budget wise and what I wanted to do first...lose weight and get to a healthy one.  She helped me find something that would work and now here I am!  Got the seasonal pumpkin spice meal shake and ready to hit the ground walking!  Baby steps people I’m not a runner 😂.

Today will be my very first time taking a leap of faith into my health and starting a journey I have not seen in a long while!  May the Lord guide me through it and have His loving hands upon me every step of the way.  I love how they check on all their customers and send encouragement every week.  They may not be family but you quickly become family with the love and care they have for each and every person that they help start their journey to a healthier person.

I will share my journey every step of the way even my before and after.  Is it that time for you?  Are you wanting something to help you?  Give them a call or send them a message on Instagram outdoor_fitlife to get to know what can work with both your budget and your goal.   Have a blessed afternoon everyone!  Positive vibes for this Momma taking Charge!

Proverbs 4:22 “These words are the secret of life and health to all who discover them.”

The post office line

I stood in line for about 5 minutes before a kind postal service person helped me see I was in the wrong line.  I moved to the right side of the post office and while standing in this long line to retrieve a letter, I reflected on our morning.  We had an amazing morning!  The kids got up in good spirits and got ready for school.   I made them fresh biscuits yesterday so they had a hearty egg & bacon breakfast.  Off we went!

We had no traffic God definitely had His hands in this on a Monday morning leaving 10 minutes later than schedule.   Right before the light to my boys school, there was a terrible accident to which a man lost his life at only 30 years old.   The news was there covering the story,  he had run a red light going extremely fast and ran into a huge truck.

I couldn’t help but think 🤔 God really does have His hand in every aspect of our lives.  The choices we make can change our life forever.  I am glad that we are safe and pray that the man accepted Christ before he left this earth.  I pray for his family who will realize this morning that he won’t be coming home. 

Yes I’m still in line everyone and have had a great time with God and am now sharing it with each of you.  Remember to be late and not rush,  it’s ok as long as you and others are safe.  Nothing it worth risking your life❤️.  Have a blessed day mommas and remember to Recharge! 

2 Peter 1:6  “to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add patience; to your patience add devotion to God;”

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hard lessons have to be learned

Today my little one realized he has forgotten to chose Halloween decoration at the store.  His older brother remembered to chose one while the little one was busy looking for “The” costume.  He hadn’t noticed it until they were playing with the one his brother got this morning.  It was funny how all of sudden he says “Hey, how come I didn’t get a decoration?”   It’s a little tradition they have with my mom, they each get a new skeleton ($4).

I let him know we were so into everything from Halloween to Christmas it was over looked, even by him.   He was upset but I let him know we would take him to get his at some point today after we got in the Word and all chores were done.  My older son acted up in a way that got his visit to the store taken away so he was going to have to stay home when I took his brother to get his decoration.   He decided about 2 minutes before we were ready to go to listen and behave.

Now how would you handle that situation?  I always fold I’m a softy but this time I felt that it wasn’t ok to reward him from the way he’s been acting all day long.  I knew he was just playing the part to get what he wanted I’m aware of this, but should it excuse him?  After a few moments of thinking here is what I did.  I gave him a huge hug and let him know how proud I was that he understood how he needs to treat his family with love and respect but he was not going with us.

He was NOT happy about it.  He cried and even screamed, like I told you I’ve always caved before. I told him again that because of his actions all day he was not going to be able to join us, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun while he waited for us with his big sister and my mom.  He was upset but a little less frustrated. *Shocked face 😮*  I was able to walk out of the door with one boy and the other upset but not throwing a tantrum.  I called after we were out of sight just to make sure he was ok.  He was just fine!

So lesson here is if we want different results and reactions we have to be willing to try a different approach.  One that isn’t perfect but helps ease their frustration of the discipline.   Here I learned that he needed to know I love him and not the actions so much and they need to be worked on.  He said he really didn’t like being left behind and was going to make sure he did his best to go next time.

Will he have bumps in the road?  Yes he will but he know how to turn around and make it right. I don’t want him to stop being who God made him to be, just learn how to use those gifts for good.
This Momma was definite in Charge today🥰.  Have a blessed day Everyone!

James 4:14 “You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Your life is like a fog. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away.”

Today’s Reflection

This morning I woke up very early to praise my Lord alone in solitude.  No distractions as once the week begins it can be insane.  I watch my little ones sleep for a while before and think about the struggles and chats we have had to avoid them in the future.

It’s so important to help them understand that there reactions are just as important as their actions.  What we can’t control most times is the actions that take place however we can control how we react to them.  This is definitely an area of struggle for me.  I’m a quick reactor, then I read James 1:19 “My dear brothers and sisters, always be more willing to listen than to speak. Keep control of your anger.”  

This makes total sense, I don’t want my children to fear me I want them to respect, honor and love me.  I want the same for them from me and anyone else who spends time with them.  After all God entrusted us to care for them and teach them to trust in Him.  That lesson can’t be shown in anger.

I have a bible plan I read to keep me grounded.  I have challenged myself to read the Bible in one year and it makes it easier.  The reason I mention it is that it is right on target with issues I am currently dealing with and helping me understand what I need to do to get through it, Trust in God!
Right now I’m reading the book of Job and he is ready to confront God about the struggles he is encountering.  Yes I said confront God,  if you want to see the outcome join me in reading it!

I’m happy to be alive, with my beliefs and my family!  Today is the day the Lord has made can’t wait to hear today’s sermon.  Enjoy your life, your loves and you, Momma in Charge!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Going costume shopping

It’s that time of year where the kids are excited with all the Halloween decor in the stores.  Everyday I get asked, “Can we buy our costumes today?”  I don’t like to get them, with their knowledge anyway, too early because they will want to wear them and possibly ruin them before it’s time to scare the neighborhood kids.

Today we ventured out to get some supplies to personalize my little ones journal.  The teachers instructions were a photo some stickers and a piece of ribbon to act as as a book mark.  My mom came along to help me with the boys. So off we go and end up in the Halloween aisle forever lol.  I love it so no biggie.  The boys found lots of cute things and we got 2 Halloween day costumes.  They were so excited and so was I, both costumes cost the same price as just 1 at the store for Halloween!

We proceed to get what we actually came for when I end up in Christmas town.   For a moment I thought I was in The Nightmare Before Christmas lol.  I was literally just in the Halloween section.  We looked around a bit since it took me by surprise.   Then we ended up where the bicycles where.  As I’m explaining to my 2 sons why they can’t ride the bikes, my mother circles around me in a 3 wheeled Schwinn 😂.  I’ll come to help you she said,  why do I always fall for it?

Does anyone even remember why I was at the store to begin with?  😂.  Anyway we had a great outing and made it back home to make homemade burgers on Texas toast.  Today was a very good day.

Dress buying Tip:

I have boys so their dress up is combat and scary things.  So what I do is let them pick out 2 costumes one for now and one for Halloween.  I know it sounds expensive but it’s really not.  You can find pretty affordable costumes at places like Walmart (no affiliation) and if your really ahead of the game you shop after Halloween sales the year before lol.  By that time what they like may not be there but you have dress up attire for the year!

‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:5‬  “We pray that the Lord will cause you to feel God’s love and remember Christ’s patient endurance.”

How to Stop Yelling at your Kids

Hello my name is Angela and I sometimes raise my voice at my kids.  I’m not proud of it nor at the fact that they are ignoring me.  It can get frustrating especially when you have asked several times.

But I do have a tip to try.  I start off asking for the task I need them to complete if it goes unanswered,  I simply say Xbox or something else they always hear and they quickly turn to me and then I repeat the task lol.  Works every time!

Let me know if you have any ideas that we can try or if this ends up working out for you!

Psalms 127:3 “Children are a gift from the Lord, a reward from a mother’s womb.”

Look Out Weekend!

The hustle and bustle of the week is behind us and now we can relax and enjoy each other.  Well I actually get up by 4 am to get some work done this way I have the rest of the day with the family.   I know it seems too early but I’m an early riser, and early to bed too.  It just something that helps me keep balance.  I have my alone time with God to prepare for the day, go to work and get out just in time for the kiddos to start waking up for breakfast and the day!

This morning I read my inspirational calendar and thought, I love how God speaks to me.  I had to make a rather tough decision this week and I have to say it was definitely the right one.  Yesterday felt like my first real day of freedom to live the life I was put here to live.  It was so exhilarating and I remembered what it was like to be happy.  The feelings of enjoying what I do came back in a way that I hadn’t felt is such a long time.  I could breath again and felt “In Charge” hence the Momma In Charge theme.

The moral of the story today is do what makes you happy and enjoy your life.  One thing I recall from sermons and scriptures is You can’t live for God and the world.  I’ve chosen God, my choice will always be God.  Yes I may sometimes fall off the path as I am human, but when I feel Him calling me I must answer Him above all else.

Today is going to be a great day without chains holding me down!  I am a strong woman of God and now this Momma is in charge again💖

Psalms 42:2 “My soul thirsts for the living God. When can I go to meet with him?”

Friday, September 20, 2019

Lunchtime with my Daughter

Friday’s are the day we enjoy lunch with my high schooler.   She wanted to try Gino’s Deli & Ice House.  So I come to pick her up and she’s in a long line to take her picture.  Then a long line to sign out lol.   At the end of the day she had about 30 mins to get a good lunch in.

This place is just down the street so off we go.  Since we were first time visitors we were handed menus to see the selections then offered free chips and fountain drink!   To make it even more amazing was the man telling us,  “You do not pay if you do not enjoy”.  What?  My daughter & I looked at each other in disbelief.  We placed our order to see what the hype is all about.

We waited about 10-15 mins and it was ready, piping hot and soft bread full of Philly cheesesteak goodness.  Oh my goodness the melted cheese and flavors having a party in my mouth was delish.  It’s no wonder they were KSAT 12’s SA Picks 2019 Winner!  They definitely deserve that win.

All in all times like these are precious to me.  I love that I can tune out the world and just be there with my daughter during these times.  I pray that she will always remember them and we can continue as the years go on.    Hope you had a great lunch time!  Love and Blessings Mommas In Charge, we got this!

Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,

Picture Day Scuffles and Reflections

Well today is picture day for my kiddos and they were looking so handsome and beautiful.  They each picked out exactly what they wanted to wear down to the accessories, special thanks to Jessica's Blazing Bling (Facebook)!  They started off excited and getting ready until the little decided he wasn't going to brush his teeth. 

We explained why it's important and his response was, "It makes me feel like I need to go poop."  Well I wasn't expecting that but it was a valid response non the less.  So I told him to use the restroom then brush, after washing his hand of course.  So that's what he did but the minutes started making my oldest restless and well the rushing set in.

They started picking on each other and you know the way it goes.  So I got my cup and told the 2 older ones to get their things together, the little one was already brushing his teeth and finally we were out the door.  Yes we were running behind schedule and yes we were a little stressed but it didn't warrant our reactions.

So once we started driving we talked about the situation and what we could have done to avoid it.  Each of them, as well as myself, took a turn and gave each of us a little help in the case we encounter this kind of morning again, and we will.  Then we said a prayer for our family and the kids in school and ourselves.  This is just a way I like to end our car ride so that they will have God on the mind when they head on into class. 

I know sometimes the days starts off on the wrong foot and sometimes it tries to end that way too, but it's important to always remember to close the day with love.  I do this by reading scripture and watching sermons as I need the Word with me constantly to guide me throughout my day.   However you find your peace, make sure to visit it throughout the day to keep grounded.   After all you're a Momma In Charge, right?

Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tireless nights

Every night as I watch my little ones sleep, taking those big deep breaths I think, why did I get upset with them earlier?  No one ever told me that being a mom would be one of the roles that had the most guilt.  I lay at night praying for our safely as we sleep.   Then I replay what I can change about tomorrow’s outcome.  I plan out all the exciting things we will do once school is out.  The laughing, playing and story telling.

The reality is they start off sweet and fun but by the time I’ve picked them all up, someone is fighting, crying or yelling 😩.  What happened to my perfect afternoon of bliss?  Having a picnic or walking along the duck pond?  It was short lived.  But then I remember no matter what it is a blessing  and I am grateful we are all together again.

I’m not saying I am calm, cool and collected.  I raise my voice, do a little threatening even.  Once they calm and I finally have their attention I work on them understanding respect for one another, themselves and of course me!  After all I am Momma and I am in Charge, right?

I believe it is important to communicate these types of things with our children.  Letting them know that this is not how we should spend even a fraction of our time.  And yes they are young now but I’m molding them to be respectful to those around them as well as themselves.

The struggle of being a mom is real and I am a real mom.  We will make those tough choices everyday and we will mess up sometimes.   Be humble enough to admit it and move forward, you are a Momma In Charge!
Leviticus 19:3 ““Each of you must honor your mother and father and keep my special days of rest. I am the Lord your God!”