Thursday, September 26, 2019

Family unity

This morning was just like most hustle and bustle to get out the door.  The boys had their breakfast sandwiches and my daughter had her protein cafe latte (thank you outdoor_fitlife) and we were out the door.  We are buckled in when all of a sudden my little one remembers he didn’t finish his homework 😮.

So we quickly adjust,  he sits in the middle, big brother hands him a pencil and big sister waits for him to get ready for instruction.  Of course they start having disagreements about the pencil.  I broke down and reminded them we just prayed for the day and this can not be how they want to treat each other before parting ways.  They calmed down enough and started working together as a team.

Granted this should have been finished yesterday however he fell asleep in the car for the night on our way home.  My daughter had to stay after school until 5 p.m. so I took the boys to play at the park while that happened.  They were exhausted and started homework on the ride home but fell asleep, hence the frantic morning. (I admit my fault)

I’m glad that they listen and take it in.  Some days are harder than others but what was so heart melting was when we got to drop off and they all cheered.  They felt accomplished TOGETHER.  They gave each other blessings and well wishes for the day and it left a positive feeling for the rest of the day.

I don’t condone leaving homework for the next morning, however if they are exhausted I would rather them rest.  There is a difference from just a little sleepy and out for the night and let me tell you there was no waking him up.  This Momma took Charge and made a decision that almost backfired lol, but that’s ok it all worked out in the end.

What would you do?  Would you risk waking him?  Let me know 🥰

Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:9‬   “Two people are better than one. When two people work together, they get more work done.”

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