Tuesday, October 1, 2019

First day in October, Did I just hear the F word?!

Today has been a pretty eventful one.  It started out hectic as most of my mornings are and again, I had a 2nd grader who did not finish his homework.  He was a very sleepy 2nd grader as he fought his sleep last night.  He was cranky and could not be comforted so I just let him be and continued on with my day.

Then his little brother doesn’t want to brush his teeth, starts screaming like that helps in any way shape or form.  I was at my wits end.  My teenager all the while was helping me get lunches and breakfast ready for the car ride to school.  She is such a blessing❤️.  They all are just right now I’m only feeling the one.

We finally leave the house late and start on our way.  My 2nd grader is doing his homework and crying and saying terrible things to make his little brother cry when all of a sudden I hear it the F word.  And it was used correctly, “I’m so Fing tired”. 😯.  I lost it my dear friends and said he was not at liberty to use a word he didn’t know the meaning of and that word especially!  It took every part of my being to refrain from screaming at the top of my lungs.

I then remembered we did it again.  We had already been on the road and hadn’t said one word to God.  Evil had stuck it’s tail into our lives and made it so we would forget.  I apologized and my son looked at me confused.  He said, “Why are you apologizing?”  I responded, “Because I let evil win”.  He got sad too.

I started praying right then and there asking for forgiveness for allowing this terrible issue take over our words to God.  I know he forgave us and so I forgave my son and reminded him that it’s not something we need to be saying.  He understood and we rushed off the car in a hurry to get them into the building before the tardy bell.

What I hadn’t noticed was our entire car ride all lights were green, every single one.  So we got them all to school on time thanks to God whom I had forgotten however He hadn’t forgotten us.  Tomorrow will be another day to try and get it right.  I pray for peace in my life and the life of my family, love, joy and grace.  This Momma had to get it back in order.

Through the hardest times we must always remember to begin and end our days with Him and keep Him in the center of our lives.  No matter what we are doing bring God in and do things for Him from taking a test to working.  If you are doing it for God you will be sure to do the best you can.

How do you handle words like that? Please share in the comments and feel free to follow my blog for up to date adventures.  If your on mobile scroll down to Desktop view and then click follow🥰

Ephesians‬ ‭5:4‬ ‭ “Also, there must be no evil talk among you. Don’t say things that are foolish or filthy. These are not for you. But you should be giving thanks to God.”

1 comment:

  1. Awesome reminder to give praise to God and how to calmly handle the situation.
