Friday, September 27, 2019

What October means to me❤️

The month of October is one that I hold dear to my heart.  About 9 years ago I asked God if I would ever be blessed again.  He answered me, however the blessing was bitter sweet.  I had my one and only daughter and for 8 years I had not been blessed again.

When I was very young my grandfather would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up.  My response was always “A mommy”.  And in my mind I always wanted 3-4 children to love and teach and be there for.   As I got older I wanted to be a pediatrician or a teacher, both choices involved working with children.

When God answered me I was a mixture of excited and scared to do it all over again after 8 almost 9 years.  I felt my baby growing and moving.  Then at my 4 1/2 month check up my doctor couldn’t find the heartbeat.  She said baby was probably too small so she sent me for a sonogram.  I went expecting to see & hear baby’s heart beating away, and it wasn’t there.  My heart sank and I began to pray.  I was grateful to God for answering me either way, it hurt but I knew my little angel had served his purpose and God needed him back.

I know in times like these we don’t understand why, but a huge blessing came afterward.  My grandmother came to live with us and we enjoyed time with her and made memories to last a lifetime.     God knew what was coming and I was helping care for my grandma, which I would not have been able to do otherwise.  My greatest joy was knowing my answer was YES you will have more children.

Just about 5 months later I found out I was blessed again and  one year after that I was blessed again. I now have 2 handsome, vibrant, fun loving boys who think outside the box, get in trouble and love like non other.  I thank God everyday for my blessings,  and I know one day we will all be reunited with God.

My children celebrate their brother’s birthday every October 8.  My daughter named him Jason.  My sons believe he is Jason from the horror movies and it’s all in good spirit.  I love my little family and am grateful to all who love them too.  I have been blessed beyond my dreams with a brother and sisters who love and care for me and my family as much I do theirs.  We have grown and concurred so much together and I can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for us yet.

Stay strong in your faith mommas.  Stand tall and walk proud, don’t worry about the world around you and stay focused on God.  God Bless and have a great weekend!

‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:5 “We pray that the Lord will cause you to feel God’s love and remember Christ’s patient endurance.”

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