Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Liar liar

Yesterday my oldest son did something he should not have.  When I asked him about it he lied about even being involved.  I only have 2 sons in that room, one is crying and the other is telling me it wasn’t him.   Could it be Drop Dead Fred?  (It’s a movie in case you’ve never heard of it 😂).

What would you do with that situation?  It upsets me that he would think it was ok to make his little brother cry, what was more upsetting is that he lied about it.  So as I have him sitting before me I am asking God for the right words to help him understand.

First I ask him to tell me what part he played in his brothers discomfort.  He explained the scenario which tells me why he did what he did, then he says what his role was.  Right then and there I ask, “Why did you lie to me about it?”   He says he didn’t want to get in trouble.   What did he think he was in at this moment? 🤔

So I take a deep breath and I explained to him that what he did was wrong and he made it even worst by lying to me about it.  He was already in trouble for his action but now he got a grounding for lying about it.  The reason I explained was that he needed time to think about what he did and see what he could have done instead and a few days without his favorite toy would give him the time he needs to get back to me with his suggestions.

Now he screamed and cried it wasn’t calm at all but I kept cool and just explained to him that in life we all have a time when we have to step away and reflect on what we need to change.  He wasn’t receptive but I know he will learn and grow from it.

This morning he was sweet to his brother and his normal happy self.  It’s going to be a tough one after school when he’s tired and done with his homework wanting to play with his toy while he waits for dinner.  However this will be the test that gains it back.  What do you think about this way?  Any suggestions?  Have a blessed one from one Momma trying to be In Charge to another❤️

1 John 1:8-9 “If we say that we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves, and the truth is not in us. But if we confess our sins, God will forgive us. We can trust God to do this. He always does what is right. He will make us clean from all the wrong things we have done.”

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