Friday, September 20, 2019

Lunchtime with my Daughter

Friday’s are the day we enjoy lunch with my high schooler.   She wanted to try Gino’s Deli & Ice House.  So I come to pick her up and she’s in a long line to take her picture.  Then a long line to sign out lol.   At the end of the day she had about 30 mins to get a good lunch in.

This place is just down the street so off we go.  Since we were first time visitors we were handed menus to see the selections then offered free chips and fountain drink!   To make it even more amazing was the man telling us,  “You do not pay if you do not enjoy”.  What?  My daughter & I looked at each other in disbelief.  We placed our order to see what the hype is all about.

We waited about 10-15 mins and it was ready, piping hot and soft bread full of Philly cheesesteak goodness.  Oh my goodness the melted cheese and flavors having a party in my mouth was delish.  It’s no wonder they were KSAT 12’s SA Picks 2019 Winner!  They definitely deserve that win.

All in all times like these are precious to me.  I love that I can tune out the world and just be there with my daughter during these times.  I pray that she will always remember them and we can continue as the years go on.    Hope you had a great lunch time!  Love and Blessings Mommas In Charge, we got this!

Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,

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