Monday, September 30, 2019

Are you needing Prayer?

What a wonderful weekend we had.  Besides the fighting children not sharing toys, the hustle of getting the house clean and pulling out Halloween decorations we had a great outcome.  I record a call from one of my little sisters and sparked something pretty amazing.

Right now my siblings and I have come into a better understanding of our faith.  We have grown with so many trials and tribulations we have encountered.  Instead of turning away from God we grew stronger in our faith and trust in Him.

In this journey we decided to start sharing our growth with others and helping to reach as many people through prayer and support in on our new Facebook Page Prayers Needed.   We saw a need for for us to reach out as we saw so many request amongst our own circle of friends and family.

Overnight we started sharing this page with our circle and we have had great response!  All prayer warriors have started praying to help with any situations that arise and it is a great environment to come and let yourself accept the Lord in all His glory.  We want to pray with and for as many people as we can as we are all here for one purpose, to bring people to God.

Join us in our journey, Click here and be directed to our Facebook Page Prayers Needed!  Prayers are Free and God is all powerful.  All prayers are answered as God sees fit for each individual person.  The answer my not look like what you imagined, just trust He answered it in a way that was best for you❤️.  Have a blessed day everyone!

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