Friday, September 20, 2019

Picture Day Scuffles and Reflections

Well today is picture day for my kiddos and they were looking so handsome and beautiful.  They each picked out exactly what they wanted to wear down to the accessories, special thanks to Jessica's Blazing Bling (Facebook)!  They started off excited and getting ready until the little decided he wasn't going to brush his teeth. 

We explained why it's important and his response was, "It makes me feel like I need to go poop."  Well I wasn't expecting that but it was a valid response non the less.  So I told him to use the restroom then brush, after washing his hand of course.  So that's what he did but the minutes started making my oldest restless and well the rushing set in.

They started picking on each other and you know the way it goes.  So I got my cup and told the 2 older ones to get their things together, the little one was already brushing his teeth and finally we were out the door.  Yes we were running behind schedule and yes we were a little stressed but it didn't warrant our reactions.

So once we started driving we talked about the situation and what we could have done to avoid it.  Each of them, as well as myself, took a turn and gave each of us a little help in the case we encounter this kind of morning again, and we will.  Then we said a prayer for our family and the kids in school and ourselves.  This is just a way I like to end our car ride so that they will have God on the mind when they head on into class. 

I know sometimes the days starts off on the wrong foot and sometimes it tries to end that way too, but it's important to always remember to close the day with love.  I do this by reading scripture and watching sermons as I need the Word with me constantly to guide me throughout my day.   However you find your peace, make sure to visit it throughout the day to keep grounded.   After all you're a Momma In Charge, right?

Jeremiah 29:11 11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

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