Thursday, September 19, 2019

Tireless nights

Every night as I watch my little ones sleep, taking those big deep breaths I think, why did I get upset with them earlier?  No one ever told me that being a mom would be one of the roles that had the most guilt.  I lay at night praying for our safely as we sleep.   Then I replay what I can change about tomorrow’s outcome.  I plan out all the exciting things we will do once school is out.  The laughing, playing and story telling.

The reality is they start off sweet and fun but by the time I’ve picked them all up, someone is fighting, crying or yelling 😩.  What happened to my perfect afternoon of bliss?  Having a picnic or walking along the duck pond?  It was short lived.  But then I remember no matter what it is a blessing  and I am grateful we are all together again.

I’m not saying I am calm, cool and collected.  I raise my voice, do a little threatening even.  Once they calm and I finally have their attention I work on them understanding respect for one another, themselves and of course me!  After all I am Momma and I am in Charge, right?

I believe it is important to communicate these types of things with our children.  Letting them know that this is not how we should spend even a fraction of our time.  And yes they are young now but I’m molding them to be respectful to those around them as well as themselves.

The struggle of being a mom is real and I am a real mom.  We will make those tough choices everyday and we will mess up sometimes.   Be humble enough to admit it and move forward, you are a Momma In Charge!
Leviticus 19:3 ““Each of you must honor your mother and father and keep my special days of rest. I am the Lord your God!”

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