Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Painful Situations

In most movies and shows even, they depict these scenarios where the family comes together and helps each other through the toughest of situations.  Sometimes the family is causing the issues and realizes their wrong doings and acknowledges then it’s a happy ending.  Is this real life though?

I have witnessed and even been involved in issues that were brought upon because someone was looking for something to be wrong.  Well truth is if you go looking for something more times than not you are going to find it right?  I’m not sure why or what goes on in the thoughts of individuals just looking for something to complain about when things are in a tranquil state.

I know that they may be having a bad day or have received bad news, however why spread that feeling around?  For me, if I’m not in a great mood because of a situation I have had I let my loved ones know where I am at that moment.  This way they are aware of how I’m feeling and what got me there and don’t have that, “what just happened?” “what did I say or do?” feeling.  I also apologize if anything I said or did caused them to feel less than at the moment.

In my opinion, to feel the need to bring others down when they are at peace is a terrible way to live.  I love my family so much that at times I wonder is it all worth it?  Do I not deserve to be happy, down, tired, lazy, excited, blessed?   Different days bring on different situations and how I handle them differs as well according to where I am in my mind space.  No matter the situation it’s me (or you) that has the right to do as I (or you) see fit for you and your family.  As adults we don’t need permission for how we do things it’s just how we do them.

In times like these is when I turn to God for guidance and actually put my family and the relationships with them in his Almighty hands.  I have tried to handle it and messed up, it is obviously greater than me.  This didn’t make the situation go away but it did help me see things in a different light, Gods light.  It helped me to feel like I wasn’t alone in this and that I will rise up and continue on my journey being the daughter He created and that Jesus died for.

***Mommas and Daddys it is our role to protect our little ones from times like these by having a plan of action.  Know who takes the children out of the situation and to a safe place to talk about their feelings, judgement free.  Don’t ever let your adult issues become theirs.

Romans‬ ‭15:13‬‬‬ “I pray that the God who gives hope will fill you with much joy and peace as you trust in him. Then you will have more and more hope, and it will flow out of you by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

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