Sunday, September 22, 2019

Today’s Reflection

This morning I woke up very early to praise my Lord alone in solitude.  No distractions as once the week begins it can be insane.  I watch my little ones sleep for a while before and think about the struggles and chats we have had to avoid them in the future.

It’s so important to help them understand that there reactions are just as important as their actions.  What we can’t control most times is the actions that take place however we can control how we react to them.  This is definitely an area of struggle for me.  I’m a quick reactor, then I read James 1:19 “My dear brothers and sisters, always be more willing to listen than to speak. Keep control of your anger.”  

This makes total sense, I don’t want my children to fear me I want them to respect, honor and love me.  I want the same for them from me and anyone else who spends time with them.  After all God entrusted us to care for them and teach them to trust in Him.  That lesson can’t be shown in anger.

I have a bible plan I read to keep me grounded.  I have challenged myself to read the Bible in one year and it makes it easier.  The reason I mention it is that it is right on target with issues I am currently dealing with and helping me understand what I need to do to get through it, Trust in God!
Right now I’m reading the book of Job and he is ready to confront God about the struggles he is encountering.  Yes I said confront God,  if you want to see the outcome join me in reading it!

I’m happy to be alive, with my beliefs and my family!  Today is the day the Lord has made can’t wait to hear today’s sermon.  Enjoy your life, your loves and you, Momma in Charge!

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