Friday, October 4, 2019

Sparkling wine and groceries? Yes please!

Today has been productive and exciting.  I even worked for an hour this morning then meet my daughter for lunch.  No room for complaining. Then I remember I have to go grocery shopping for the week before the kids get out of school.

It’s a nice time for me to really look at things and price things.  I enjoy just leisurely walking around. Then it someone ask, “Would you like to sample our Halloween Sparkling Moscato?”  Errrr(screeching tire sound)!  “Excuse me did you just ask me if I would like some Moscato? Oh my Yes!”  Ladies and gents, this is the only way to make a good shopping experience even better🍾.  Oh I’m telling you,  I enjoyed the hectic parking lot and long lines at the register with my little sample of Moscato.

What kind of wine would bring you to a crowded grocery store?  Lol. It’s definitely a game changer and this Momma In Charge not only for what she needed, she got what she needed!  You have a fabulous weekend.  Enjoy the loves of your life and God bless!

Luke‬ ‭9:24‬ “Any of you who try to save the life you have will lose it. But you who give up your life for me will save it.”

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