Saturday, September 21, 2019

Look Out Weekend!

The hustle and bustle of the week is behind us and now we can relax and enjoy each other.  Well I actually get up by 4 am to get some work done this way I have the rest of the day with the family.   I know it seems too early but I’m an early riser, and early to bed too.  It just something that helps me keep balance.  I have my alone time with God to prepare for the day, go to work and get out just in time for the kiddos to start waking up for breakfast and the day!

This morning I read my inspirational calendar and thought, I love how God speaks to me.  I had to make a rather tough decision this week and I have to say it was definitely the right one.  Yesterday felt like my first real day of freedom to live the life I was put here to live.  It was so exhilarating and I remembered what it was like to be happy.  The feelings of enjoying what I do came back in a way that I hadn’t felt is such a long time.  I could breath again and felt “In Charge” hence the Momma In Charge theme.

The moral of the story today is do what makes you happy and enjoy your life.  One thing I recall from sermons and scriptures is You can’t live for God and the world.  I’ve chosen God, my choice will always be God.  Yes I may sometimes fall off the path as I am human, but when I feel Him calling me I must answer Him above all else.

Today is going to be a great day without chains holding me down!  I am a strong woman of God and now this Momma is in charge again💖

Psalms 42:2 “My soul thirsts for the living God. When can I go to meet with him?”

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