Sunday, September 22, 2019

Hard lessons have to be learned

Today my little one realized he has forgotten to chose Halloween decoration at the store.  His older brother remembered to chose one while the little one was busy looking for “The” costume.  He hadn’t noticed it until they were playing with the one his brother got this morning.  It was funny how all of sudden he says “Hey, how come I didn’t get a decoration?”   It’s a little tradition they have with my mom, they each get a new skeleton ($4).

I let him know we were so into everything from Halloween to Christmas it was over looked, even by him.   He was upset but I let him know we would take him to get his at some point today after we got in the Word and all chores were done.  My older son acted up in a way that got his visit to the store taken away so he was going to have to stay home when I took his brother to get his decoration.   He decided about 2 minutes before we were ready to go to listen and behave.

Now how would you handle that situation?  I always fold I’m a softy but this time I felt that it wasn’t ok to reward him from the way he’s been acting all day long.  I knew he was just playing the part to get what he wanted I’m aware of this, but should it excuse him?  After a few moments of thinking here is what I did.  I gave him a huge hug and let him know how proud I was that he understood how he needs to treat his family with love and respect but he was not going with us.

He was NOT happy about it.  He cried and even screamed, like I told you I’ve always caved before. I told him again that because of his actions all day he was not going to be able to join us, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have fun while he waited for us with his big sister and my mom.  He was upset but a little less frustrated. *Shocked face 😮*  I was able to walk out of the door with one boy and the other upset but not throwing a tantrum.  I called after we were out of sight just to make sure he was ok.  He was just fine!

So lesson here is if we want different results and reactions we have to be willing to try a different approach.  One that isn’t perfect but helps ease their frustration of the discipline.   Here I learned that he needed to know I love him and not the actions so much and they need to be worked on.  He said he really didn’t like being left behind and was going to make sure he did his best to go next time.

Will he have bumps in the road?  Yes he will but he know how to turn around and make it right. I don’t want him to stop being who God made him to be, just learn how to use those gifts for good.
This Momma was definite in Charge today🥰.  Have a blessed day Everyone!

James 4:14 “You don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Your life is like a fog. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away.”

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