Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Facebook hmmm

Today Facebook has been messing around with me.  I have been blogging for a few days since making a decision to no longer be a partner and becoming my own entity.  Now I got notifications that my post were reported as spam and now they are all under review.   Who knows if my blog will be allowed on social media?  I’m not worried.  I’m still going to share my “tea” with everyone.  

Not gonna lie I did get upset and let my mind run wild then after half the day decided, well if they are threatened so much by me so be it.  If its meant for me to be on Facebook then I will be, if not then I will be 😂.  I just do other things to help push my .com that I am proud I am creating and no one here on Gods green earth will stop me.  Ok rant over.

***Facebook had a really interesting feature I was not aware of and so I utilized it and I will keep you posted on what I find out.

Through it all I’m so happy to see more positive outlooks on my page now.  I’m seeing motivational post and people out there who are loving life.  This is the Facebook I know and love.  Thank you for the opportunities and the fun times.  Now it’s time for this Momma to be In Charge of what she puts out into the world.  

So when things like social media have a negative effect on you, just remember you have the option to remove the app.  You can get out of there and look around you at the life you have in front of you.  If you have missed it because of social media, start rebuilding it.  It’s not too late to regain yourself.  

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc they are a great way to reconnect with those who are far away.  They help keep families and friends close and in the know.  Don’t forget to also look up and keep relationships that are right in front of you strong.  God keep you safe and humble always.  Have an amazing night.  

James 1:5  “Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to everyone. So he will give you wisdom.”

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