Monday, September 23, 2019

The post office line

I stood in line for about 5 minutes before a kind postal service person helped me see I was in the wrong line.  I moved to the right side of the post office and while standing in this long line to retrieve a letter, I reflected on our morning.  We had an amazing morning!  The kids got up in good spirits and got ready for school.   I made them fresh biscuits yesterday so they had a hearty egg & bacon breakfast.  Off we went!

We had no traffic God definitely had His hands in this on a Monday morning leaving 10 minutes later than schedule.   Right before the light to my boys school, there was a terrible accident to which a man lost his life at only 30 years old.   The news was there covering the story,  he had run a red light going extremely fast and ran into a huge truck.

I couldn’t help but think 🤔 God really does have His hand in every aspect of our lives.  The choices we make can change our life forever.  I am glad that we are safe and pray that the man accepted Christ before he left this earth.  I pray for his family who will realize this morning that he won’t be coming home. 

Yes I’m still in line everyone and have had a great time with God and am now sharing it with each of you.  Remember to be late and not rush,  it’s ok as long as you and others are safe.  Nothing it worth risking your life❤️.  Have a blessed day mommas and remember to Recharge! 

2 Peter 1:6  “to your knowledge add self-control; to your self-control add patience; to your patience add devotion to God;”

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